Solo - The Power of Truth, Self & Others

Welcome my loves to this week's Solo episode of Finding Your Way Home.

If you're a regular listener, you'll know that authenticity is a huge focus of the podcast. Arguably one of the questions I'm most regularly asked is how to cultivate a more aligned, more "congruent" relationship between our inner experience & our outward lives. We talk about "integration" in the movement world - the evolution and symbiosis of different systems within us.  Could there be integration in what we feel (all diverse aspects of it), say, do and allow to emerge outwardly...? 

So we come to the question of "Truth". 

What does it mean to cultivate honesty, with ourselves and others?  To really acknowledge the fullness and nuance of everything arising within us? To give voice to that, welcome it, even if purely with ourselves? And when / how do we then share our honesty externally? How do we know when it's useful or even ethical; when it signifies standing up and when it signifies the desire to change another? 

Thus your mini today - just a taste of the philosophies and practices I've found so consistently useful in navigating the terrain of authenticity. 

Enjoy my loves; and if you've time, I'd love it if you'd rate, review & re-share this episode with just one person you love.  Those little actions spread the magic ever-wider. 

Love for your weeks, wherever this finds you,

A x


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