Anthea Bell
Embodiment & Transformation Coach
I have always been compelled by people’s stories - the blueprint of history, biology and belief that bring them to the lives they live - and ultimately, to my door. Throughout my 10+ year career as a Mentor and Coach, my passion has been to foster their empowered growth - in whatever form, emotional, physical or energetic, most enables them to transcend.
About me
In my experience, people have far more potency and potential than they can imagine. The question is whether that mindset, direction and energy is liberated for them - or trapped within them.
Universally, what holds us back is a complex of, conditioning, belief, vulnerabilities-unhealed, and a body that holds the physical tension and “safety set point” of the familiar, yet limited template. In Developmental Coaching we would call this your “Current Way”: the way of seeing, being and acting (because don’t be fooled, belief & body translate to action, conscious and unconscious) that keeps you “managing”, protected on some level and yet often, trapped in what-has-been.
This creates the dance - between awareness and yearning for what could be, vs retreat to a place of known stability. The embodied-falsehood here is that to shift and change is dangerous. The reality - the actual danger is staying stuck in a self and a life that no longer matches who you know yourself to be.
I learnt this personally, vividly and professionally. It took deep willingness, faith and dedicated practice in mind~body to allow myself to shift. Fostering that process, the most beautiful community of experts and Coaches who held the vision I knew was coming.
The result - a life beyond my imagining that only continues to expand. And a relationship with myself that is intimate, present and unbelievably rich.